1st post forthcoming

My first ‘official’ post here will be on New Year’s Eve. In the meantime, I’ll be adding “the list” (to the right), and preparing myself in various ways. How am I preparing? I’m decluttering my house, cleaning, giving things away to Goodwill, organizing my schedule, and stocking up on anxiety meds (okay that last one doesn’t have much to do with “the list”)

I like the idea of having an electronic archive of my resolutions. I typically forget what they are, so this seems full proof. I’m thinking about starting with some type of fast or detox to break into my list. We’ll see.

See you in a few days!

p.s. I’ve had a few people suggest I read, “The Book of Awakening” – any thoughts?


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22 responses to “1st post forthcoming

  1. This looks crazy – are you going to be solely focussed on these and have loads of cash for all of your travelling??? I’d make the travelling major, you’re planning to visit a lot of the world!

  2. I love your “major” list. Those are great goals. Very ambitious! I look forward to following your journey.

  3. I have to say, you have a lot more motivation that I do. I found losing weight overwhelming. Great blog!

  4. Looking forward to following your blog and weightless! You can do it! I started out August 20th with 90 pounds to lose… I’m down 56, more than half way there.

    I hope we can inspire each other πŸ™‚

  5. By the way #40 on minor list, check out http://www.cosmiccowgirlsuniversity.com/

    I took a course online from March to August and painted my first amazing canvas. Shiloh is amazing!

  6. Nice! You’re much more organized and read for all this than I am. πŸ™‚ You go, girl!! Love the blog.

  7. Nice! You’re much more organized and ready for all this than I am. You go, girl!! Love the blog.

  8. I love the idea of your electronic resolutions and goals. I’m going to copy! I never read the book you mentioned, but I’m going to look it up. Good luck!!!

  9. Whats the difference between major and minor? You’re going to do them all! Right?

  10. This is a great idea. I look forward to reading about your journey through out the year. Best of luck on claiming your goals πŸ™‚

  11. I changed the URL for my blog – please make a note of it? Thank you!! Hope your fist day of 2012 is a great one!

  12. inspiring post – i dreamed of going to the gym this morning and now i am on my way! thx

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